SuperValu Strawberry Cholesterol Lowering Yogurt Drinks 6 Pack (100 g), €1.79
Shown to Lower Cholesterol*** *** Supervalu cholesterol yogurt drinks contain added plant sterols esters. Drinking one bottle per day, which contains 2g of plant sterols, has been shown to lower cholesterol by 7-10% in 2-3 weeks. Plant sterols have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels. This product is not intended for people who do not need to control their blood cholesterol level; the consumption of more than 3g/day of added plant sterols should be avoided. Patients on cholesterol lowering medication should only consume this product under medical supervision. This product may not be suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women or children under the age of 5. Use this product as part of a balanced and varied diet, including regular consumption of fruit and vegetables to help maintain carotenoid levels. High cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease has multiple risk factors and altering one of these factors may or may not have a beneficial effect. It is important to maintain a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle. Thiamin (vitamin B1) contributes to the normal function of the heart