Only €1.59Offer available Thu, Jun 13 12:00a.m. to Wed, Jul 3 11:59p.m.

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Pedigree Rodeo Beef Dog Treats (70 g), €1.59

Pedigree dog food feeds the good dogs brings to our lives with delicious dog treats, oral care dog chews, & 100% complete main meals for all dogs. Carefully developed with our nutritionists & veterinarians at The Waltham Centre. An ideal dog treat for training. Developed into a varied range of tasty flavours by nutritionists and vets at The Waltham Centre. Rodeo dog treats contain Omega 3 to help keep them fit for life. Vitamins to help maintain their natural defences and minerals including calcium to help keep bones strong. <5%* Fat *Less than 5% fat / 100g

Pedigree Rodeo Beef Dog Treats (70 g)
Only €1.59
Pedigree Rodeo Beef Dog Treats (70 g)Open product description
€1.59 was €1.95€22.71/kg
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