Jif Lemon Juice (100 ml), €1.95
Jif Lemon 100ml is frequently used on pancakes. Jif Lemon 100ml is an essential for Shrove Tuesday. Jif Lemon has been previously marketed with the slogan "Don't forget the pancakes on Jif Lemon Day". Jif Lemon 100ml is a brand of natural strength lemon juice prepared using lemon juice concentrate. This means Jif lemon keeps fresh for longer. Jif Lemon comes in a 250ml glass bottle which is great for use in higher quantities. Jif Lemon is also available in a 100ml lemon shaped bottle with a round bottom to add stability while standing. Jif Lemon 100ml is not just for pancakes on pancake day, it can also be used to enhance flavour and taste in different dishes. Add Jif Lemon 100ml to your salads or seafood dishes to enhance flavour. You can also use Jif Lemon 100ml to make different sauces. Jif Lemon 100ml is also great as a condiment on its own. Jif Lemon 100ml is particularly handy because of its long shelf life, much longer than a fresh lemon! Jif Lemon 100ml can be used in recipes that require or recommend the use of lemon juice. Jif Lemon 100ml is a great way of adding low calorie flavour to dishes. Jif Lemon; it's lemon juice in a Jif!