Kleenex Mansize Extra Large Facial Tissue 2 Pack (88 Sheets), €2.50
"When life gets messy, face it head-on. With Kleenex® Extra Large tissues, you’ve got the goods to tackle any challenge. Made for catching big sneezes, wiping snotty noses and mopping up everyday accidents, our largest tissues let you clean up any mess in just one swipe. With extra room to blow, dab, wipe, and comfort runny noses, or to clean up messy mouths and spills. All with the same Kleenex® tissue quality you know and love. Surprise messes? Snot a problem. Grab a compact twin pack of Kleenex® Extra Large tissues and be ready to take on the day. Our compact boxes are a perfect fit for bedside tables, coffee tables and bathrooms. Always in reach to tackle spills, drips and sneezes the moment they happen. Larger tissues. Smaller footprint. All our Kleenex® Brand boxes are made from recycled carton, which means they’re 100% recyclable. Rub, clean and mop up mess with 100% sustainably sourced fibres, making a positive change for forests and people around the world. Kimberly-Clark Europe Ltd, Walton Oaks, Dorking Road, Tadworth, Surrey, KT20 7NS, UK. Kimberly-Clark B.V., Copernicuslaan 35, 6716 BM Ede, Netherlands. ®/™ Trademarks of Kimberly-Clark Worldwide, Inc. or its affiliates. © KCWW. www.kimberly-clark.com www.kleenex.co.uk"