Milton Baby Bottle Cleaner (500 ml), €4.00
Ideal for bottles, breastpumps, soothers, weaning items, family dishes
Milton Baby Bottle Cleaner (500 ml), €4.00
Ideal for bottles, breastpumps, soothers, weaning items, family dishes
Milton Sterilising Fluid (1 L), €5.85
Trademarks owned by Milton International. All rights reserved.
Milton Wipes (30 Piece), €4.00
Soothers, travel, toys, surfaces, car Disinfect quickly surfaces and items at home or on the go Fragrance-free Ideal for high chairs, changing mats, potties, work tops, kitchen, phones, toilets, bath, computers, keys, etc.
Milton Sterilising Fluid (500 ml), €3.00
Anti-germ efficacy: Bactericidal: en 14561 in 15 min at 0.6% v/v and en 16615 in 5 min at 3.0% v/ v. Yeasticidal: en 14562 in 15 min at 0.6% v/v and en 16615 in 5 min at 3.0%. Trademarks owned by Milton International. All right reserved.
Milton Sterilising Tablets (28 Piece), €5.10
Anti-Germ Efficacy: Bactericidal: in 5 min EN1040 including Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enteritidis Campylobacter jejuni and in 15 min EN 1276 including MRSA Salmonella enterica Typhimurium, Salmonella enterica enterica Paratyphi A Vibrio cholerae, EN 14561 (I tablet in 5L) and in 5 min EN 13697 (3 tablets in 5L). Yeastiddal: in 15 min EN 1275, EN 1650, EN 14562 on Candida albicans (1 tablet in 5L) and in 15 min EN 13697 on Candida albicans (3 tablets in 5L). Virucidal: in 5 min EN 14476 only against Adenovirus type 5 Rotavirus and in 1 min EN 14476+A1 against Bovine Coronavirus (1 tablet in 5L). Biocidal product TB/PT02, PT04 Trademarks owned by Milton International. All rights reserved.
Dr Johnson's Sterilising Fluid (1 L), €1.60
Keeps sterilising for 24 hours* *Tested at 80% dilution.